Monday, November 3, 2008

First Wordcount!

OK so I know I have been lax with the blogging but this is November now. National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo!!! I have started my bestselling novel and I pretty much have to write a ton every day if I want to make the 50,000 word limit by November 30th.
I am pretty impressed with myself so far, having written....(Drumroll please...)

4,210 words in 1 1/2 days! Not just crappy words either, most of them are good! I am pretty pleased with where the story is going, especially since I didn't really start off with a plot or character ideas, just a general thought of what it might look like.

I won't say anything else until I get a bit further. In the meantime, you can check out my progress on my NaNoWriMo profile page:


Anonymous said...

How is it going? Sometimes it's good to give yourself a word target. I find that there is nothing like a deadline to get the creative juices going...

Unknown said...

50,000 in 30 days....50,000 in 30 days


Actually I am doing pretty good. I will post my word count after work today. It is coming along. I might even post an excerpt from the first chapter