Tuesday, January 20, 2009

POEtic Nonsense

It was the birthday of Edgar Allen Poe yesterday. In his honour I am going to write a poem
I don't usually write poetry, I actually quite suck at it but here goes.
This fun one is about silly habits I have.


I knock on wood when I've said too much,
As if thinking I could erase fate with just one touch.
Several times a day with my dog I've talked,
Although she usually stares with her head half-cocked.
When it comes to pushing buttons I am the master,
Mashing them on an elevator might get me there faster.
Food mixing while eating is something I hate,
The amount of food touching depends on the size of my plate.
I'm compulsive about checking my teeth for spare food,
Letting someone talk with a mouthful of spinach is rude.
I crack my knuckles, my jaw, fingers, elbows and toes,
Steve says I will get arthritis when I'm old as far as he knows.
I have many more habits that are just as silly,
But this poem is too long and I'm not a poet...no, really.

OK atrocious poetry aside (that really was just for fun) and in honour of Poe's birthday, read this interesting story.


Tammie Lee said...

That was great Ms. Shannanigans! Plus I got to know so much about you!

PS did you notice I posted pics that were not from WINTER on my celebration post? I thought of you and needing a break.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I am going to check out your blog right now!

Anonymous said...

Heee heee - that made me smile! I haven't been here in a while - you've been busy!