Monday, March 30, 2009

I am woman

I am a woman
I am strong
I will not be silenced
I am tough
I am gentle
I am a force to be reckoned with
I am a shoulder to cry on
I am the cool hand on a fevered head
I am the soft bosom a child sleeps on
I am the clenched fist that fights for her rights
I am the wit and the intellect
I am the emotion
I am the unfathomable enigma
I am the one you will never break
I am the one you will never understand
I will always be here
I am a woman


Pamela Glasner said...

Dear Sheherezade,

Your friend, mscherrylane, visited my blog ( ) and left a comment which was, in part, about you. She said “I know a certain aspiring fantasy author friend of mine will certainly be very interested in your novel I will let her know to drop by. Cheers :)”. Then she gave me your address so I thought I’d stop by for a visit.

I just completed the first of a dark fantasy series which is to be published this fall. It is a dark historic fantasy about two people in two different centuries who dedicate their lives advocating for people who are ostracized from society and victimized because they are labeled mentally ill.

Nice to make your acquaintance. Love your poetry, BTW - I've never been able to write that and have always envied anyone who can - and especially someone who can then read it aloud for people. Now THAT’S a skill!

I’d be delighted if you’d visit my blog and check it out.


Pamela Glasner said...

Shannanigans, thanks for the compliment which you left on my blog - very kind of you. Yes, I fell in love with the whole subject of Empathy nearly two years ago and it’s been wonderful researching it for my book. I’d love to hear what you’re thinking of for your book - can’t wait ‘til you post it. I hope you’ll come back often - I will certainly be visiting you!

Pamela Glasner said...

New Blog Entry @ The Lodestarre: Finding Emmaus - Katherine's Musings on Faith and Being Empathic. Please visit

Tammie Lee said...

Your poem is powerful! It swept me into the depth, beauty and mystery of being a woman~